My favorite womb health practices


The idea of prioritizing womb health isn’t common practice for many women. Caring for our wombs is something often neglected, unless we are experiencing problems or trying to get pregnant. 

This is not surprising when you reflect on how women have been conditioned to think about their bodies (and especially their pelvic organs) for so much of history.

For much of my life as a woman, I lived completely disconnected from my womb and pussy.

There was no connection between this part of my body and I. Instead, it was a one-sided relationship— me always taking, demanding, and expecting with no care, presence, or authentic love in return. 

If I were to bring that kind of entitlement and energy to any other relationship, well, you can imagine the result.

The idea of connecting with this part of ourselves can feel intimidating. So much of what we’ve been conditioned to feel has been to fear our bodies, see our sexual bodies as problematic or an inconvenience, and to outsource all authority of our bodies to others (like sexual partners, healthcare providers, etc.)

Rarely will conventional medicine prescribe full exercise and nutrition plans to patients. Yet so many of us seek out our own commitments to movement and nutrition because we know them to be necessary practices for full-body health and wellness. 

Just like any other part of our body, if we only relied on others to take care of it for us, we would never achieve full health and vitality.

The same applies to our wombs.

For the fertile years of the female body, the menstrual cycle is the fifth vital sign of health. When this crucial process for the body is imbalanced or experiencing symptoms, it’s a sign of something deeper needing to be addressed.

In my experience, so many of the frustrating symptoms I faced with my cycle and vaginal health improved drastically once I started implementing consistent, simple practices into my monthly cycle’s routine.

I believe this was because of the actual effectiveness of the practices but also because this was the first time in my life that I gave my womb the full presence and care that she had been waiting for.

Over time, these practices have shifted depending on what my current needs with my body and cycle have been. But some foundational practices have stuck with me throughout the years.

If you’re desiring a deeper relationship to your womb or want to see if you can alleviate some symptoms, these are all safe and simple practices that can be done at home.

All you have to do is show up with full presence and do the work.

These are my favorite womb health practices:

Hot water bottle packs

Heat is a very important force for the circulation of blood and energy in the womb.

Not only does heat help to alleviate cramps during your bleed, but heat also plays a role in helping your uterus eliminate its menstrual discharge more completely and efficiently.

A cold uterus leads to stagnation and harder work to do, hence creating stronger cramping. If you’re bleeding during the winter or in a colder climate, it’s especially supportive to your system to keep heat over your lower abdomen several times a day.

Using hot water bottles isn’t just beneficial during your bleeding time. I’ve gotten into the habit of using these throughout the month to help with digestion, maintain healthy blood flow of my sexual organs, and to support castor oil packs (see below). I find it to be an especially powerful ritual that keeps me connected to my body while I work from home throughout the day.

I also highly recommend using a hot water bottle like this non-toxic one instead of an electric heating pad. The reason for this is that electric heating pads produce dry heat— a type of heat that takes moisture from the skin which can increase cramping over time and is more likely to burn your skin. Moist heat, like the heat made from hot water bottles, adds moisture to the area it is warming, increases blood flow, and is much safer to use on your direct skin (with a cover).

Castor oil packs

If I could only pick three womb health practices to do for the rest of my life, castor oil packs would make my list.

Castor oil is a natural antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal oil made from castor seeds. It is very high in ricinoleic acid, making it a powerful and potent oil. Due to its potent nature, it is not recommended to ingest castor oil as it is mildly toxic and will irritate your gastrointestinal tract.

Using castor oil externally on the body is completely safe and very effective at promoting healing processes for skin and organs where the castor oil pack has been placed. Castor oil packs are especially effective at supporting women’s reproductive health due to its ability to dissolve scar tissue over time.

Here are some of the top benefits of practicing regular castor oil packs:

  • Improved blood circulation to organs

  • Reduced menstrual cramping

  • Balances hormones

  • Softening and dissolving scar tissue

  • Increasing fertility

  • Clearing blocked fallopian tubes

  • Regulating menstrual blood flow

  • Reducing breast and ovarian cysts

  • Shrinking fibroids

  • Improving bowel movements

  • Promotes natural detoxification process

As you can see, the benefits of castor oil are impressive. This practice alone has made the quickest and most profound changes to my cycle.

I used to have cycles where I would spot for an entire week after my actual bleed ended. I would often move into ovulation still spotting. It was almost like my uterus was struggling to fully release and was clogged up. I also attribute this to years on hormonal birth control and the various issues it causes with my cycle’s natural detoxification process.

After just two cycles of using castor oil packs, my usual heavy and prolonged bleeding time shortened to a more regular and healthier flow of 3-5 days of bleeding with very little spotting lingering on at the end.

Other women I’ve worked with have reported a significant decrease in cramps. As well as their flows regulating to a healthier amount of blood. I’ve also heard of some powerful cases where some uteruses have expelled old blood and clots from previous cycles that never were able to be released before. The detoxifying power of castor oil combined with heat is really impressive.

I’d recommend committing to it for 2-3 cycles to see results. It’s also important to research when in your cycle to use a castor oil pack - different health goals will require different timing throughout your cycle.

Be sure to only using organic, cold-pressed castor oil on your body. Castor seeds are often sprayed with heavy chemicals and pesticides in the growing process, so buying organic is really important as this product is heavily absorbed by the skin. 

Vaginal steaming 

Vaginal steaming (also known as yoni steaming), involves sitting over a steaming pot or bowl of water infused with herbs that allows the plant medicine of the herbal steam to work its way into your vulva and surrounding tissues.

Vaginal steaming feels good (the water should never be so hot that it burns you) and the effects can be noticed immediately as well as long-term over multiple cycles. One of the first benefits is the immediate rush of blood flow and energetic activation that happens within your tissues.

This is such a supportive practice for your womb as this is an area that often receives inconsistent blood flow if you are not practicing self-touch and having sex regularly. This blood flow carries through to all of the pelvic organs, activating and supporting your system in its natural cleansing process.

With consistent use over time, vaginal steaming also supports the uterus in releasing its walls of old, stagnant blood and tissue.

If you have ever been on hormonal birth control (which can stop or suppress your natural menstrual cycle), you most likely have accumulated old uterine tissue and blood inside the walls of your uterus. The uterus works hard to shed and release all of its internal debris every cycle, but in today’s age, it’s almost impossible to have a perfectly healthy cycle and pelvic organ system. The build up of this debris inside the uterus can lead to fertility issues, painful cramping, and other symptoms.

Practicing consistent vaginal steaming will support your uterus in releasing this tissue and restoring a healthy cycle with fresh blood flow. Don’t be alarmed if you see old tissue and dried blood being released through your cycle once you begin vaginal steaming. Older women who have already gone through menopause have reported seeing old blood released from their bodies once they implemented a regular vaginal steaming practice. 

Vaginal steaming should never be done while you’re pregnant, have an infection present, or have an IUD or birth control ring (such as the NuvaRing).

Yoni Mapping

This is the foundational practice of all pelvic work.

If you are not touching yourself, and specifically your yoni, from the vulva to the tissues inside your vagina, you are blocking yourself from coming into relationship with your womb.

This is hands-down the most powerful work you could do for yourself as a woman. And it’s totally natural if it brings up fear, shame, defensiveness, and other emotions. I invite you to sit with your reactions for a moment to really note what comes up for you. This is good information.

Vaginal mapping is a simple practice of giving your pussy your full attention and presence. It is not a perineal massage or a masturbation session. It is a tuning into the messages and sensations that your pussy wants to share with you. By tuning in regularly, you create the space to build safety, trust, and eventually deep-rooted pleasure, between you and your body.

My personal vaginal mapping practice can take anywhere from 10 minutes to 2 hours. It all depends on what I feel called to for the day and what is needed. The most important element in this practice is that I show up consistently. Many times, just ten minutes is all I need to feel connected to myself, my pussy, and centered for the day.

There are many guides and classes you can find online for how to practice vaginal mapping. But the truth is that the best version of this practice will come from your intuition and your willingness to explore.

I suggest starting with a high-quality oil— like organic cold-pressed coconut oil or organic cold-pressed castor oil. Give yourself a light massage starting from your inner thighs, working around your pubic mound and labia, to your vulva. Always use plenty of oil, especially on the mucosa parts of your skin. Try to embody the energy of exploring and getting curious about the subtle sensations that arise for you. Remember that numbness is a sensation!

As you work your way inside your vaginal opening, this is where presence becomes most important. Try not to shy away at the first sign of discomfort. Instead get curious and explore the messages that your tissue has for you. Use the tips of your fingers to explore where tension seems to be held inside your pelvic muscles as well as where you feel numbness.

The more you do this practice, the more you will understand and come to know how your body stores stress, emotions, and tensions. This is a very potent practice where powerful memories can arise. I suggest you go very slowly and seek time to do this practice alone with no rush. If you’re completely new to womb health work, this would be my recommended starting place. 

If you’re enjoying this content, you can gain access to my free yoni mapping course here. It’s 100% free and will all be delivered via email over 10 days. Each day you’ll receive a new insight and practice you can implement immediately.

Hot cacao

When I’m bleeding, there are two things I crave the most— heat and chocolate.

Our bodies are intelligent. Both of these cravings are a signal to optimize important elements for a healthy cycle and bleed. We already know that heat is an optimal source for keeping blood flowing and energy activated throughout our pelvic organs.

Chocolate has a purpose as well. Raw cacao is a rich source of magnesium, zinc, and iron. Magnesium promotes natural stress relief, much needed for during our premenstrual phase. Zinc and iron are crucial minerals for our body’s blood production and release process.

Cacao has been used in “cacao ceremony” for centuries by the native tribes of Central and South America. This practice has grown in popularity these past few years, but for good reason. I like to combine rose water with cacao to form a delicious, heart-opening concoction. It quite literally warms your heart while stimulating your sensual body through scent and taste. Some people also claim to experience a mild high from drinking ceremonial cacao as well.

This is a simple ritual to add to your bleeding time of the cycle. It invites you to slow down, warms your body from the inside, and satisfies the rich, chocolate craving that so many of us experience.

Here is one of my favorite hot cacao recipes to try:

  • 4 tablespoons of chopped ceremonial cacao or raw cacao powder

  • 1 cup of rose tea or sweet rose tulsi tea

  • 1 teaspoon of raw honey

  • A pinch of high-quality salt

Heat all of the ingredients together in a small saucepan. Enjoy while warm.


Learning how to eat for the various phases and needs of my cycle has been one of the most transformational practices for me.

We’re not meant to eat the exact same things at every time of our cycle. And often our cravings are way smarter than we are at guiding us to the kinds of foods our bodies need at that time.

I used to get so frustrated with my body for craving carb-heavy, fattier foods along with sweets leading up to my menstruation. It often felt like all the “hard work” I put in during the month was coming undone and I was falling into old habits. My relationship to food and eating has changed completely since those days. Rather than focusing on restriction, I have shifted towards a focus on nourishment. It is my job to tune into my body and align what foods I am eating with what its current needs are.

Due to the extra work and downward energetic pattern our bodies experience during menstruation, it’s natural to crave heavier, more nourishing foods. I’ve come to prioritize eating healthy fats, red meat, and extra unprocessed carbs like potatoes and rice, during my bleed. On the contrary, around ovulation, my body is lighter, faster, and on an upward energy pattern. This is the time where eating heavier foods doesn’t feel as good and my body craves fresher foods with lighter carbs.

By tuning in with your cyclical body and reframing your mindset from restriction to conscious nourishment, your relationship to food and your body will feel so much more aligned and connected. 

Menstrual Cycle Awareness

Learning how to track my menstrual cycle and the emotional, physical, and spiritual changes my body moves through each cycle was the true starting place for me on my women’s health journey.

As soon as I got off of hormonal birth control, it was like a light flipped on in my life. Suddenly, life was deeper, more profound, more feminine, and felt so much more sensual than I ever could have imagined. Hormonal birth control had quite literally numbed all my senses and cut off my channel to spirit and my feminine energy.

I did a ton of research when I made the decision to come off of traditional birth control. One of the first things I learned was how my menstrual cycle actually worked. It is still so crazy to me that it took me until 20 years old to learn how the menstrual cycle actually functions within the body.

Learning about the different phases of the menstrual cycle and their expected shifts in energy and emotion gave me so much validation for my existence as a woman and feminine being. With this came the knowledge of how to honor each of these phases and how to optimize my life as a cyclical being.

My menstrual cycle has been one of my biggest guides and teachers in the ways of womanhood. Through it I have learned how to harness my creative energy, care for my body, and return to my innate feminine nature.

If you’re interested in practicing menstrual cycle awareness, I recommend reading the book, Wild Power. This book is the #1 source on understanding the spiritual and emotional needs of menstruation.

If you feel overwhelmed by all of these practices, don’t worry. Follow your intuition to the one or two that resonated with you the most. Over time your practice will expand as your womb becomes more activated in your day to day life. 

With love,

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