Awaken the Yoni You Were Always Meant to Have

From numb, symptomatic, and disconnected to activated, nourished, goodness—this is the course that will teach you how to touch, connect and heal yourself through the practice of yoni mapping.

Does your connection to your yoni feel non-existent, far away, dried up, painful, flat, or complicated?

Most of us were never encouraged to explore our bodies. And when we did, we were influenced by porn, media, or even a partner’s preferences.

Fast forward through years of disconnection and disembodied touch and many of us find ourselves with an undernourished yoni and untapped pleasure potential.

Do any of the following describe your current situation?

You want to prioritize and connect with your yoni more but just don’t know where to start, how to touch yourself, or what spending time with your yoni actually looks like. Meanwhile, you see all these coaches shouting from the rooftops about their pleasure practices and dancing around in silky robes like they’ve been making love for days on end. Having a deeply connected relationship with your yoni and sexual energy seems amazing and also maybe really far-fetched for your current lifestyle and personality.

OR, your yoni is actually consuming your life but for the wrong reasons. You’ve been dealing with mysterious or stressful chronic symptoms. You’re tired of going from provider to provider, and you just have a hunch that your yoni’s symptoms are rooted in something emotional, spiritual, or even ancestral. But what does that mean for you, and how do you get your yoni back to its naturally beautiful, blissed-out, balanced state?

Your sex life and sexual energy feel flat, nonexistent, and out of reach, and you have been grasping in the dark trying to find your spark again. You’ve felt the grief of this lack of sexual fire and maybe even tried to accept that your libido spark is just a thing of the past or something you get tiny glimpses of from time to time.

You’re getting ready to give birth or are recovering from birth. You know that this is a golden opportunity to connect with your yoni and build a solid relationship with her but just aren’t sure how to do that. I mean, no one ever talks about this stuff. We just kind of assume all our friends and their yonis are doing just fine. But if you’re a woman who has given birth, you know that is most definitely not the case, and you wish we could all just normalize talking openly about the state of our yonis and pelvic floor health!

There’s so much gatekeeping (and many secrets!) when it comes to women’s bodies and their yonis. As if we’re not meant to be the #1 authorities and wisdom keepers of ourselves.

The revolution of female pleasure and feminine healing has been in progress for years now.

This sexual awakening has gotten some things right and a lot wrong. But it has pushed us in a more open direction to begin talking about our bodies with more comfort and naturalness.

However, a new problem has emerged. While many women feel proud to own vibrators and rub their clits to the promised land, the rest of their yonis remain a vast, unexplored, and relatively unclaimed territory.

Furthermore, women’s relationships with their yonis went from being basically ignored to a pretty demanding one-sided place. “Give me pleasure or else!”

On the mainstream Western level, we’ve never been taught or talked to about our yonis as an emotional holding space. Or seen it as a place with high potential for healing and a part of the body that actually needs touch—daily, loving, consistent, and often patient touch.

Eastern sexual philosophy, however, has been clued into the healing and magical potential of the yoni for centuries.

Fortunately, today, we’re seeing a rise in women wanting to experience the full potential of their yonis. Whether it’s with conscious birth choices, getting off birth control, free bleeding, or slow sex—more and more women want to get back to the natural and ancestral traditions that once held and supported the health and vitality of our bodies.

We see increasing yoni symptoms and diagnoses for modern womankind—vaginismus, vulvodynia, lichen sclerosus, chronic infections, fertility struggles, painful periods, and more.

And we also see women reclaiming their power against the overload of toxins, anti-cyclical culture, hustle & grind, processed foods, anti-nourishment diets, dismissal of sacredness, and more.

Today, the missing link comes back to our own touch.

Your yoni is begging for you to touch her and know her. She is literally your center of gravity and the center of your world.

Yoni Mapping helps bring balance back to the center of your body’s universe.

Reviving your feminine radiance that you know is lurking under the surface is possible under your own present touch.

Awakening the sexual current in you that is begging to be unleashed is possible through your own loving touch.

If you’re ready to remember who you are, return to your birthplace—the sacred yoni.

Your yoni doesn’t have to be a source of pain, frustration, or disconnection— no matter what your yoni history or womanhood story has looked like.

Chances are, your relationship with your yoni has been complicated or nonexistent because:

  • You never learned how to self-pleasure in a healthy, nourishing way for your body.

  • You’ve spent years rushing or forcing your body into wanting sex.

  • You’re holding onto a lot of deeply layered shame and fear about your female body.

  • You had a traumatic sexual or medical experience(s) that has never been fully met or integrated by your body and psyche.

  • You’ve ignored and been afraid of your body most of your life, and now you’re feeling all the pressure to somehow become a sexual goddess overnight and/or make all the babies.

  • You’re still processing your birth and never received the wisdom or tools on how to deeply reconnect with and heal your body while postpartum.

  • Your maternal lineage has experienced a lot of trauma around their bodies, sex, and femininity.

  • You’ve never learned or known what truly feels amazing to your body pleasure-wise.

  • You orgasm less than once a week and/or have never had an internal, vaginal orgasm.

  • You went through the common cascade of birth control interventions that made you highly fearful of pregnancy, disconnected from your body, and created a whole host of other symptoms you’ve had to heal and deal with.

  • You always heard the women around you growing up speaking about their bodies with annoyance, frustration, rejection, and fear.

  • You’ve never had someone besides your OBGYN whom you’ve felt comfortable talking to about your yoni experiences and symptoms.


Full body, deep exhale. This is where you get to relax and trust your body’s innate magic again.

Your yoni is the most alive, sensitized part of your body. And when you know how to touch it, honor it, take care of it, and nourish it—it becomes the center of pleasure, grounding, energy, magic, and healing in your life.

Inside The Yoni Mapping Course, you will learn:

  1. The physical and sexual anatomy of your yoni, unlike anything that was taught in schools or doctor’s offices

  2. The emotional and spiritual anatomy of your yoni, including a framework for what a healthy and nourished yoni should feel and look like

  3. What exactly yoni mapping is, how women have practiced it throughout history, and what the benefits are to you as a modern-day woman

  4. Yoni mapping techniques for your womb, mound of venus, vulva, vagina, and cervix

  5. How to create a yoni mapping practice that works for your lifestyle and current symptoms

  6. How to practice yoni mapping with your menstrual cycle (as well as yoni mapping for fertility)

  7. Specific use cases of yoni mapping for pregnancy, birth, postpartum, pleasure, vaginismus, vulvodynia, chronic infections, trauma, mystery symptoms, and more

  8. Bringing your partner into your yoni mapping practice and applying yoni mapping techniques to sex

  9. How to practice yoni mapping in a way that increases your pleasure capacity and opens your body back up to its innate, vaginal orgasmic abilities

  10. What to do after your first 30 days of yoni mapping and how to maintain the practice in a realistic but powerful way

  11. When and if you should see a provider and how to recognize normal and variations of normal versus when something needs additional support

  12. Essential yoni health guidelines and practices so you know how to keep your yoni healthy and nourished through 100% holistic methods

The secret? The power to heal has always been in your hands.

All women used to map their yoni’s.

We used to know how to touch ourselves— what to feel for and how to move energy through our bodies in this way.

The yoni was a place of sacred prayer, grounding, and meditation.

Yoni Mapping supports three aspects of healing:

  1. Physical — By physically touching, massaging, and bringing blood flow to your vital yoni tissues and muscles, you are transforming the physical landscape that is central to your hormonal health, nervous system, and sexual energy.

  2. Emotional — Emotions, experiences, and memories stored in your sensitive yoni tissues are brought to the surface to be felt, integrated, and then released. They can also be felt and integrated in a powerfully pleasurable way that clears the entire chakra system from a sacral to heart level.

  3. Spiritual — Coming into direct relationship and touch with the most sacred and mysterious part of your body invites you deeper into your spiritual practice. You will feel the way energy rests and builds in your pelvic bowl and yoni tissues and honor its sacred work and power through the rest of your body.

This beautiful combination of holistic healing grounds the nervous system, releases emotions, invites presence into our bodies, and rewires sensitive, painful pathways into pathways for pleasure.

The experience of pleasure powerfully invites healing throughout the entire body.

*Unlike your OBGYN office or fluffy IG pleasure coach, here are a few things The Yoni Mapping Course doesn’t include:

  1. Crazy-long daily rituals or practices that only single women without kids or jobs can do (ha!)

  2. Surface-level, symptom-covering “solutions” that don’t actually get to the root cause

  3. Placing the authority or ultimate wisdom of your body outside of yourself

  4. Placing ALL the burden and responsibility and loneliness of figuring out your yoni symptoms onto yourself

  5. Being told that at six weeks postpartum “you’re good” for, like, everything? But you don’t actually feel “good?”

  6. Being told that this is “just how it is” with your yoni now that you’ve had kids, are menopausal, are pregnant, are a woman, have had chronic symptoms or issues, etc.

  7. Making an investment in a wildly expensive but beautiful crystal dildo (I love mine but to each their own!)

  8. All fluff and mystic with no practical and evidence-based information (this is a beautiful blend of the crunchy, mystical, spiritual, and ancestral wisdom with real experiences, clear practices, resources, and evidence-based information)

  9. Gaslighting your symptoms and saying everything is a yeast infection or that you don’t really know your body

  10. Being told over and over again to stroke your g-spot in that come hither motion technique that everyone always talks about

  11. Being told that some lucky women can have internal orgasms and the rest of us are just meant to only have clitoral orgasms (if that) for the rest of our lives

  12. Doom and gloom or diagnosis. Healing is possible for every woman and every body, and this course is designed to empower and support you along the very personal journey you’re on.

*There are many incredible, wise, talented pleasure coaches out there. And there are also many offering intangible work that can leave women feeling broken and without resources.

You can be THAT woman—the one with the dripping wet, alive, relaxed yoni, rooted in her pleasure and power, soaring to the deepest, most beautiful edges of the universe in her bed.

After learning and committing to your yoni mapping practice, you will—

  • Realize that yoni mapping is the meditation practice you’ve been searching for your whole life.

  • Feel the almost immediate effects of truly grounding in your body and nervous system through your own loving, present touch.

  • Release and unwind the tension, numbness, pain, and hypersensitivity that has manifested in your yoni space.

  • Be confident in your ability to birth a baby, recover postpartum, and reclaim your pleasure as a new mother.

  • Have fun teaching your partner exactly how you like to be stroked and showing them where they can help you alchemize internal tension into pleasure.

  • Begin activating your yoni to be able to orgasm internally and/or consistently have different kinds of internal orgasms.

  • Restore your pelvic bowl back to its innate relaxed and nourished state that loves to be touched, have sex, feel pleasure, and have orgasms.

  • Live your day-to-day life feeling relaxed, nourished, grounded, and sexually satiated.

  • Genuinely crave and desire penetrative sex on a regular basis. Once your yoni knows how to feel good again, she will want it all the time. 😉

  • Understand your natural arousal process, from what your arousal cues are to how long it takes your body to truly open and get wet.

The Yoni Mapping Course


Getting Started

  • How to use this course

  • What is Yoni Mapping?

  • Who is Yoni Mapping for?

  • What can I expect from Yoni Mapping?

  • Safety & Precautions

Yoni Anatomy

  • The physical anatomy of your Yoni

  • The emotional anatomy of your Yoni

  • The sensation spectrum of your Yoni

  • What does a healthy Yoni look and feel like?

  • What you need to practice Yoni Mapping

  • The guidelines of Yoni Mapping

  • What a typical Yoni Mapping session looks and feels like

  • Yoni Mapping for your Womb + Mound of Venus

  • Yoni Mapping for your Vulva

  • Yoni Mapping for your Vagina

  • Yoni Mapping for your Cervix

  • Beginner Yoni Mapping techniques

  • Intermediate/Advanced Yoni Mapping techniques

  • How to create a Yoni Mapping practice for your lifestyle

How to begin Yoni Mapping

How to practice Yoni Mapping

  • How to Yoni Map with your cycle

  • How to Yoni Map for pregnancy

  • How to Yoni Map for postpartum healing

  • How to Yoni Map for fertility

  • How to Yoni Map for pleasure

  • How to Yoni Map for grounding

  • How to Yoni Map for vaginismus

  • How to Yoni Map for vulvodynia

  • How to Yoni Map for chronic infections

  • How to Yoni Map for sexual trauma

  • How to Yoni Map for miscarriage healing

  • How to Yoni Map for mystery yoni symptoms

  • How to Yoni Map with your partner

I am a beautiful testimonial of someone who had a gorgeous, life-changing experience and feel closer to my yoni than ever before! This course was so worth it and totally transformed the way I feel about and in my body. I received all the tools I needed (and more!) to create a yoni mapping practice that was right for my lifestyle and blah blah blah!”

— Quote Source

Plus, you’ll get access to these juicy bonus resources that will support your yoni health and healing journey—

Follow along with the 30 days or pick and choose from a library of guided yoni mapping audio meditations. There are practices of every time length to meet your current day’s needs. This is a perfect bonus to get you started mapping confidently and with support.

Bonus #1: 30 days of Guided Yoni Mapping Audio Meditations

Bonus #2: What to do after your first 30 days

After your first 30 days of yoni mapping or once your symptoms resolve, what do you do? This resource will cover what maintaining a long-term practice can look like as well as how to adapt the way you practice through different life stages.

Everyone’s yoni health history and situation is different. Through your mapping practice you will learn how to make the empowered choice of when you need support and from who. With this resource, you’ll be clued into when to reach out to provider as well as a list of holistic yoni health providers that can offer truly holistic care and solutions.

Bonus #3: When/if to see a provider + The Holistic Yoni Health Provider List

Bonus #4: The Complete Holistic Yoni Health Guide + Resources

Yoni mapping is a major tool in your yoni health kit AND it’s not everything! While much of modern society has disconnected women from the ancient ways of caring for our bodies, this resource brings to light methods and tools for caring for your yoni that all women deserve to know about.

Yoni mapping is a literal internal journey. Due to the sacred nature of your yoni tissues, memories, traumas, emotions and more are often brought to the surface during practice. This Yoni Mapping Journal will give you the space to collect, reflect, and release all that comes up for you during your mapping sessions.

Bonus #5: The Yoni Mapping Journal (PDF downloadable, fillable, and printable)

Go at the pace of your own body.

Heal and open on your own timeline while being supported every step of the way.

You don’t have to do it all alone.

Here’s how The Yoni Mapping Course works:

Each module builds upon the previous one to provide you with the education, techniques, tailored experiences, and use cases that will help you form your ideal yoni mapping practice.

Once you complete the education modules, you’ll have a whole section of resources to help you get started with yoni mapping. There are guided yoni mapping meditations that can be used to start your practice or on an as-needed basis. There are also resources for troubleshooting your specific symptoms and findings as you get to know your body more deeply.

You will complete the course feeling confident in your ability to know your body, heal your body, and navigate whatever symptoms you experience at different times in your life.

Enroll Today


Enroll Today 〰️

Reconnect With Your Yoni

& Fall In Love With Yourself Again

Your yoni really is magic. It is the portal between worlds and the place we all come from. A relationship with your yoni is the difference between frustration, fear, and disconnection vs. health, radiance, and nourishment in your body.

Enroll now while the course is in beta & automatically get all-new content + video additions, even when the price goes up!


“I just wanted to tell you I have loved every one of these lessons. No one teaches this like you do! Thank you SO much, I’m so glad I signed up for this!”

—Meaty, Hairy Writer and Creative Student Hilde Kloppbakken, who runs a cool business in Norway called "One Amazing Business"

Proud to offer a 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee.


  • Yoni mapping is for every woman of any life stage. Touching, listening, and exploring our yoni’s in a non-sexual way is a normal and natural practice that has been lost by women over the previous centuries. Our yoni symptoms are our body’s way of communicating with us. Often we haven’t slowed down or tuned in enough to hear her.

  • Yoni mapping can be supportive to all yoni symptoms and conditions. Whether it’s chronic infections, vaginismus, or healing from birth and beyond, coming into direct relationship with your yoni tissues, encouraging blood flow, and being the number one wisdom-keeper of your body, will always support your greater healing capacity.

  • Yoni mapping is safe for pregnant and postpartum women. In The Yoni Mapping Course, you will find specific content dedicated to these stages of womanhood and how to adapt your practice.

  • Yes! You’ll set up a login and password and get access to the full course right away.

  • The course is a combination of videos, written content, and PDF resources.

  • All customers are entitled to a thirty (30) day refund from the date of purchase.


Jules is the founder of JULES ALMA, a digital resource for all things holistic women’s health, spirituality, and community. She is a full-spectrum doula, menstrual coach, yoga teacher, and advocate for empowering women to touch and know their bodies better than any provider or partner.

My journey with my feminine body hasn’t always been an easy one. From struggles with my cycle, birth control, sex, pleasure, fear of birth and other yoni symptoms—it often felt like for someone with such a deep interest in women’s health and pleasure, there was some cruel joke being played on me with my constant span of mystery symptoms and other issues.

With time and stepping deeper into maturity, I began to unwind my internal relationship to being a woman and all the unconscious, limiting beliefs that accompanied my womanhood.

My cycle became a beautiful and sacred guide in my life as I began practicing cyclical awareness and deepened my cyclical teachings through the Menstruality Leadership Program with Red School.

Today, I am a full-spectrum holistic doula supporting women around the world seeking holistic pregnancy, birth, and postpartum experiences. I have had some of the most incredible teachers along the way, most notably Eyla Cuenca— and am so grateful to still be under her mentorship today.

These days, I am focusing on building JULES ALMA into a rich pool of resources for women of all life stages to be nourished by uplifting and supportive insights on women’s health from a holistic and spiritual lens.

Thank you for being here and for following this nudge to deepen your connection to your body. I truly believe joy, bliss, and pleasure is possible for every woman’s body.
